You're already convinced that clarifying your marketing by creating a clear message for your business is the way to success. Being clear about what you do and how it makes people's lives better will connect you with your customers so you can generate more sales, revenue, and growth.
You know if you have a clear brand message you'll be able to reach more customers and help more people.
You realize a beautiful website design is great, but it's not enough. You need to be sure the words on your website don't confuse your customers. As Donald Miller, the CEO of StoryBrand and Business Made Simple says, "When you confuse, you lose."
Is this you?
You've listened to the Business Made Simple podcast, formerly known as the StoryBrand podcast.
You've read Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller.
You may have also read Marketing Made Simple and Business Made Simple.
You may already be receiving the free 60-Day Video Series that will teach you everything you need to know to grow a business
You've opted in to funnels, read a ton of helpful information and watched lots of videos.
You may already be a member of Business Made Simple University so you can have access to on-demand courses and coaching to help you grow your business.
You may have attended a StoryBrand Marketing Livestream Event
At this point, you know you need a StoryBrand Guide to help you clarify your message so you and everyone who represents your business can present your message clearly and consistently. You need to hire an expert StoryBrand copywriter who can get your website copy rewritten and create a full sales funnel so you can start making money in your sleep.
The problem is, no matter where you look, you can't figure out how much it's actually going to cost to hire a StoryBrand Certified Guide, which makes you feel frustrated.
I believe it shouldn't be that difficult to find out how much StoryBrand Certified Guides charge to help you create a brandscript and clarify your message.
That's why I'm going to fill you in right here so you can stop feeling blocked and instead be financially prepared to invest in a clear message for your business, product, brand, or nonprofit.
The first thing you need to know is that all StoryBrand Guides don't offer the same products and services. We have an amazing and ridiculously generous community of guides, and one of the many strengths of the Guide Community is our diversity.
Some guides specialize in video production. Some are graphic designers, some are web designers, some are app developers, others are copywriters, others specialize in branding, strategy, public relations or social media, advertising, or analytics. Some work in specific niches, like the agricultural industry or financial services or service- based businesses. Some are full-service agencies and offer a wide variety of done for you or done with you services. Some StoryBrand Guides are also business coaches and may be certified as Business Made Simple Coaches.
Because of the wide range of products and services StoryBrand Certified Guides offer, you can probably guess that pricing is going to vary greatly depending on what is offered. One thing you can always count on, though, is that when you hire a StoryBrand Guide, no matter what you hire them to do for you, they are going to approach it with the expertise of someone who has been trained personally by Donald Miller in how to execute the StoryBrand seven-part framework and create the only seven messages you need to grow revenue for your business.
If you are specifically looking for a StoryBrand Guide to help you create a brandscript and a one-liner and clarify your business message by taking it through the StoryBrand 7-Part Framework, you can expect pricing to start between $1500 to $2000 and up.
Some StoryBrand Certified Guides have a starter package like this and will also include a brand message guide or a brand message playbook so you know what to do with the seven parts of the narrative and your brandscript once you have it all done.
A brand message guide or playbook is a verbal version of a brand style guide. Instead of focusing on the visual aspects of your brand, like your logo, fonts, and colors so your brand is visually consistent, a brand message guide focuses on the words you use to talk about yourself as a brand.
This way, no matter where people encounter your brand, they will receive a clear and consistent message. This is also super helpful when you have a team who represents your business or company. When someone asks a member of your team or one of your employees, "What do you do?" or "What is your company all about?" you can be sure everyone on your team will know exactly what to say so everyone who asks will get the same consistent brand message. No one will walk away confused, and you will make more sales.
If you want more than a brandscript, you can expect to pay prices starting at around $5000 to get your brandscript, brand message guide or playbook, one-liner, homepage copywriting within a wireframe, which gives you not only the right words for your website, but also a complete structure you can take to your web designer. The $5000 package price range should also get you a lead-generator or lead-generating PDF including the writing and graphic design. Your lead generator is a vital part of your full sales funnel and is an excellent way to stay in relationship with your website visitors and build your email list.
If you are interested in hiring a StoryBrand Guide to build your entire full sales funnel for you, in addition to what's already been mentioned, you'll also get copywriting for your interior website pages plus an email sales or nurturing campaign, which will complete your sales funnel for you. A full sales funnel package usually starts at around $10,000.
Is this exact pricing for every StoryBrand Guide? No, definitely not. Some guides include strategy packages, brand development, coaching, social media management, web design, logo design, SEO, video production, and much, much more.
When businesses clarify their message, they get an excellent return on their investment.
If some of these pricesn't within your budget at the moment, you may want to ask your guide if they offer payment plans or monthly retainers. Some StoryBrand Guides also offer hourly consulting starting at around $350 if you want to DIY your brandscript and then ask your Certified Guide to review it with you and help you refine it.
Many StoryBrand Certified Guides offer website reviews starting at around $199 if you need help knowing why your website is not working and what you should change. You'd be amazed to learn about how making a few minor changes to your website copy can increase your website traffic and generate more sales.
If you need more specific information about how much StoryBrand guides charge for brandscripts and messaging and other services, please schedule some time with me and I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.